Despite the tremendous progress of Masked Autoencoders (MAE) in developing vision tasks such as image and video, exploring MAE in large-scale 3D point clouds remains challenging due to the inherent irregularity. In contrast to previous 3D MAE frameworks, which either design a complex decoder to infer masked information from maintained regions or adopt sophisticated masking strategies, we instead propose a much simpler paradigm. The core idea is to apply a \textbf{G}enerative \textbf{D}ecoder for MAE (GD-MAE) to automatically merges the surrounding context to restore the masked geometric knowledge in a hierarchical fusion manner. In doing so, our approach is free from introducing the heuristic design of decoders and enjoys the flexibility of exploring various masking strategies. The corresponding part costs less than \textbf{12\%} latency compared with conventional methods, while achieving better performance. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method on several large-scale benchmarks: Waymo, KITTI, and ONCE. Consistent improvement on downstream detection tasks illustrates strong robustness and generalization capability. Not only our method reveals state-of-the-art results, but remarkably, we achieve comparable accuracy even with \textbf{20\%} of the labeled data on the Waymo dataset. The code will be released at \url{}.
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Health sensing for chronic disease management creates immense benefits for social welfare. Existing health sensing studies primarily focus on the prediction of physical chronic diseases. Depression, a widespread complication of chronic diseases, is however understudied. We draw on the medical literature to support depression prediction using motion sensor data. To connect human expertise in the decision-making, safeguard trust for this high-stake prediction, and ensure algorithm transparency, we develop an interpretable deep learning model: Temporal Prototype Network (TempPNet). TempPNet is built upon the emergent prototype learning models. To accommodate the temporal characteristic of sensor data and the progressive property of depression, TempPNet differs from existing prototype learning models in its capability of capturing the temporal progression of depression. Extensive empirical analyses using real-world motion sensor data show that TempPNet outperforms state-of-the-art benchmarks in depression prediction. Moreover, TempPNet interprets its predictions by visualizing the temporal progression of depression and its corresponding symptoms detected from sensor data. We further conduct a user study to demonstrate its superiority over the benchmarks in interpretability. This study offers an algorithmic solution for impactful social good - collaborative care of chronic diseases and depression in health sensing. Methodologically, it contributes to extant literature with a novel interpretable deep learning model for depression prediction from sensor data. Patients, doctors, and caregivers can deploy our model on mobile devices to monitor patients' depression risks in real-time. Our model's interpretability also allows human experts to participate in the decision-making by reviewing the interpretation of prediction outcomes and making informed interventions.
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Multimodal Machine Translation (MMT) focuses on enhancing text-only translation with visual features, which has attracted considerable attention from both natural language processing and computer vision communities. Recent advances still struggle to train a separate model for each language pair, which is costly and unaffordable when the number of languages increases in the real world. In other words, the multilingual multimodal machine translation (Multilingual MMT) task has not been investigated, which aims to handle the aforementioned issues by providing a shared semantic space for multiple languages. Besides, the image modality has no language boundaries, which is superior to bridging the semantic gap between languages. To this end, we first propose the Multilingual MMT task by establishing two new Multilingual MMT benchmark datasets covering seven languages. Then, an effective baseline LVP-M3 using visual prompts is proposed to support translations between different languages, which includes three stages (token encoding, language-aware visual prompt generation, and language translation). Extensive experimental results on our constructed benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of LVP-M3 method for Multilingual MMT.
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尽管深入学习算法已被深入开发用于计算机辅助结核病诊断(CTD),但它们主要依赖于精心注释的数据集,从而导致了大量时间和资源消耗。弱监督的学习(WSL)利用粗粒标签来完成精细的任务,具有解决此问题的潜力。在本文中,我们首先提出了一个新的大规模结核病(TB)胸部X射线数据集,即结核病胸部X射线属性数据集(TBX-ATT),然后建立一个属性辅助的弱点监督的框架来分类并通过利用属性信息来克服WSL方案中的监督不足来定位结核病。具体而言,首先,TBX-ATT数据集包含2000个X射线图像,其中具有七种用于TB关系推理的属性,这些属性由经验丰富的放射科医生注释。它还包括带有11200 X射线图像的公共TBX11K数据集,以促进弱监督检测。其次,我们利用一个多尺度特征交互模型,用于TB区域分类和属性关系推理检测。在TBX-ATT数据集上评估了所提出的模型,并将作为未来研究的稳固基准。代码和数据将在上获得。
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标签平滑(LS)是一种出现的学习范式,它使用硬训练标签和均匀分布的软标签的正加权平均值。结果表明,LS是带有硬标签的训练数据的常规器,因此改善了模型的概括。后来,据报道,LS甚至有助于用嘈杂的标签学习时改善鲁棒性。但是,我们观察到,当我们以高标签噪声状态运行时,LS的优势就会消失。从直觉上讲,这是由于$ \ mathbb {p}的熵增加(\ text {noisy label} | x)$当噪声速率很高时,在这种情况下,进一步应用LS会倾向于“超平滑”估计后部。我们开始发现,文献中的几种学习与噪声标签的解决方案相反,与负面/不标签平滑(NLS)更紧密地关联,它们与LS相反,并将其定义为使用负重量来结合硬和软标签呢我们在使用嘈杂标签学习时对LS和NLS的性质提供理解。在其他已建立的属性中,我们从理论上表明,当标签噪声速率高时,NLS被认为更有益。我们在多个基准测试中提供了广泛的实验结果,以支持我们的发现。代码可在上公开获取。
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社交媒体的健康错误信息使身心健康造成的身心健康,使健康收益无效,并且潜在的成本生命。了解如何传播健康错误信息是研究人员,社交媒体平台,卫生部门和政策制定者来减轻这些后果的紧迫目标。已经部署了深度学习方法以预测错误信息的传播。在实现最先进的预测性能的同时,深度学习方法缺乏由于他们的黑箱性质而缺乏可解释性。为了解决这个差距,本研究提出了一种新的可解释的深度学习方法,基于生成的对抗网络的分段广泛和注意力深入学习(GaN-Piwad),以预测社交媒体中的健康错误信息传播。 GaN-PIWAD的最先进的可解释方法改善了多模态数据之间的交互,提供了对每个功能的总效果的无偏见估计,并且在其值变化时为每个功能的动态总效果模拟了每个功能的动态总效果。我们根据社交交流理论选择特征,并在4,445个错误信息上评估Gan-Piwad。建议的方法表现出强大的基准。 GaN-PIWAD的解释表示视频描述,负视频内容和渠道可信度是驱动误导性病毒传输的关键特征。本研究有助于具有新颖的可解释的深度学习方法,可以概括地理解其他人类决策因素。我们的调查结果为社交媒体平台和政策制定者提供了直接影响,以设计主动干预措施,以识别错误信息,控制传输和管理Inodemics。
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机器人已用于各种自动化,但机器人的设计仍然主要是手动任务。我们试图提供设计工具来自动化机器人自己的设计。机器人设计自动化中的一个重要挑战是,大型且复杂的设计搜索空间随着组件的数量成倍增长,从而使优化难度和样本效率低下。在这项工作中,我们介绍了语法引导潜在空间优化(GLSO),该框架通过训练图形变量自动编码器(VAE)将设计自动化转换为低维连续优化问题,以学习图形结构的设计空间之间的映射和一个连续的潜在空间。这种转换允许在连续的潜在空间中进行优化,在这种情况下,通过应用诸如贝叶斯优化等算法,可以显着提高样品效率。 GLSO使用图形语法规则和机器人世界空间特征指导VAE训练VAE,从而使学习的潜在空间专注于有效的机器人,并且更容易探索优化算法。重要的是,可以重复使用训练有素的VAE来搜索专门针对多个不同任务的设计,而无需再培训。我们通过为模拟中的一组运动任务设计机器人来评估GLSO,并证明我们的方法优于相关的最新机器人设计自动化方法。
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Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao(WFR)距离是一个指标家族,用于评估两种ra措施的差异,这同时考虑了运输和重量的变化。球形WFR距离是WFR距离的投影版本,以实现概率措施,因此配备了WFR的ra尺度空间可以在概率测量的空间中,用球形WFR视为公式锥。与Wasserstein距离相比,在球形WFR下对大地测量学的理解尚不清楚,并且仍然是持续的研究重点。在本文中,我们开发了一个深度学习框架,以计算球形WFR指标下的大地测量学,并且可以采用学习的大地测量学来生成加权样品。我们的方法基于球形WFR的Benamou-Brenier型动态配方。为了克服重量变化带来的边界约束的困难,将基于反向映射的kullback-leibler(KL)发散术语引入成本函数。此外,引入了使用粒子速度的新的正则化项,以替代汉密尔顿 - 雅各比方程的动态公式中的潜力。当用于样品生成时,与先前的流量模型相比,与给定加权样品的应用相比,我们的框架可能对具有给定加权样品的应用有益。
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